Uncertainty quantification (UQ) refers to quantitative characterization and reduction of uncertainties present in computer model simulations. It is widely used in engineering and geophysics fields to assess and predict the likelihood of various outcomes. We have a newly developed UQ platform called UQ-PyL (Uncertainty Quantification Python Laboratory).
It is a flexible software platform designed to quantify uncertainty of complex dynamical models. UQ-PyL integrates different kinds of UQ methods, including experimental design, statistical analysis, sensitivity analysis, surrogate modeling and parameter optimization. It is written in Python language and runs on all common operating systems. UQ-PyL has a graphical user interface that allows users to enter commands via pull-down menus. It is equipped with a model driver generator that allows any computer model to be linked with the software.
Windows Platform Update on November 20, 2022
Python(xy) software (including Python interpreter and all the packages UQ-PyL needed)
UQ-PyL Version 1.0 Windows Binary
UQ-PyL Version 1.1 Windows Binary
Linux Platform Update on August 1, 2015
Canopy Linux Version (including Python interpreter and all the packages UQ-PyL needed)
"Please Note: Canopy is a commercial software. Enthought offers free use of Canopy to students and staff at degree-granting institutions, including high schools, undergraduate colleges and universities, and post-graduate degree programs. See academic license terms for details. If you belong to the above, please download Canopy from the Canopy official website. if you are not or moved on please consider a commercial subscription to Canopy or download the free Canopy Express."
MacOS Platform Update on August 1, 2015
Canopy MacOS Version (including Python interpreter and all the packages UQ-PyL needed)
"Please Note: Canopy is a commercial software. Enthought offers free use of Canopy to students and staff at degree-granting institutions, including high schools, undergraduate colleges and universities, and post-graduate degree programs. See academic license terms for details. If you belong to the above, please download Canopy from the Canopy official website. if you are not or moved on please consider a commercial subscription to Canopy or download the free Canopy Express."
UQ-PyL User Manual version 1.0.pdf
UQ-PyL User Manual version 1.1.pdf
Publication: A GUI platform for uncertainty quantification of complex dynamical models.pdf
Copyright © 2015 - All Rights Reserved - UQ-PyL (Uncertainty Quantification Python Laboratory)